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Evan's Book Reviews: Lean Edition
Evan Leybourn
March 10, 2019
Evan Leybourn
March 10, 2019
I read a lot - not all of it related to agile or business management, but enough. Below are some of the important books that have shaped my thinking (and writing). Not all of them a great (as you can see from my ranking), but they all contain some interesting ideas. This group of reviews will focus on those books that relate to lean practices.
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The Machine That Changed the World: The Story of Lean Production
Author: James P. Womack
An old book, but still a must read for any business leader. The machine that changed the world must be read by any business leader interested in efficiency or process improvement. It is a very accessible book, even for readers outside the automotive industry.
Evan's rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Buy a copy: Amazon link
Author: Masaaki Imai
While this book may be several decades old, and the Japanese miracle no longer as relevant as once it was, it is by no means out of date. This book will provide you with a practical understanding of continuous improvement and how that relates to corporate performance and leadership. I would recommend this book for beginners and anyone wanting a refresh on Kaizen.
Evan's rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Buy a copy: Amazon link
I read this book when I was first learning about lean production. At the time I found it to be a great resource to understand many of the concepts and techniques that underpin this. As the title suggests, it is a simplified overview, and probably too simple for anyone who has move than a couple of years experience in lean production.
Evan's rating: ⭐⭐⭐
Buy a copy: Amazon link
Authors: Joseph De Feo, William Barnard and the Juran Institute
The concepts on planning, control and breakthrough, as defined in “Juran Institute’s Six Sigma Breakthrough and Beyond” are clear and simple guidelines for good business management. This book isn’t an introduction to Six Sigma, and definately requires a firm understanding of the core principles and practices before you open the cover. If you already do Six Sigma, I’d recommend this as further reading, if not, you could do better elsewhere.
Evan's rating: ⭐⭐
Buy a copy: Amazon link
Author: Taiichi Ohno
Understanding TPS, and the subsequent evolution into lean manufacturing, is critical to any business leader. This work is seminal in the field and should be considered compulsory reading. I’d also recommend that anyone interested in the history of TPS also read “The Machine that Changed the World”. My only criticism of this book is that it doesn’t provide a lot of depth, nor much in the way of practical advice, on lean manufacturing. Although, in the books defense, that’s not what it is trying to do.
Evan's rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Buy a copy: Amazon link
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