Exclusive book offer from Oikosofy for BAI Members
The Business Agility Institute and Oikosofy have partnered to give BAI members free access to Books and E-Courses published by Oikosofy. You will get 3 books and 3 e-courses by signing up below.
Sign-up below before May 17th to gain access to and download the following eBooks.
If that's not enough, in addition to these books, gain access to the Coach Your Product Owner e-course (18 video modules with downloadable content), How to Create a Compelling Product Vision e-course (a facilitator's guide for those wanting to create a Product Vision), and all the videos from the 2020 Agile Online Summit.
The Unlikely Story Of How Lean And Kanban Quickly Saved A Failing Hospital In Indonesia.
#NoEstimates is a complete, no-holds-barred look and how a senior project manager was able to predict release dates for her projects with 90% success.
"Actionable Agile Tools is a compilation of Agile tools developed within different teams which solved a wide range of problems in my ten years of being a Scrum Master and Agile Coach"