Why Lawyers Don’t Like Agile
Why lawyers don’t like Agile by Stewart James
Stewart James
May 31, 2018
Stewart James
May 31, 2018
Lawyers like certainty – certainty of outcome, cost, quality, time and more. Agile methodologies are anathema to lawyers and traditional contractual models emasculate flexibility, apportioning risk to the party most able to pay and creating an adversarial environment contrary to the principle of collaboration.
The lack of reliable, comprehensive precedents for Agile contracts makes lawyers the biggest barrier to the achievement of Agile outcomes between businesses.
Managing Director | Solicitor @ Agillex
Stewart is a commercial lawyer with over 20 years’ experience of drafting and negotiating technology contracts and is the author of the Agile contract template on behalf of the Agile Business Consortium.
Previously a partner with one of the world’s largest law firms, Stewart established Agillex in 2014 to provide flexible and collaborative legal services. The company now provides a range of professional services throughout the commercial life cycle, including legal support for programmes using Agile methodologies.
Stewart also advises on public procurement, privacy and information assurance and security.
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