Leadership & Management70

Unlock the System and Let People Shine

Unlock the system and let people shine - Alize Hofmeester

Alize Hofmeester

June 10, 2021


“We already work Agile in our organization.” I often hear this and mostly it is true. When we elaborate a bit more on the topic then we mostly realize that we work partly Agile in some departments or we implemented some Agile rituals and methods.

So, what are we really doing differently after we have implemented this new way of working?

Did we really change our approach to our customers? Are we adding value in this agile transformation and to whom? What has agility to do with Finance, HR, Business and IT. If we look in the mirror, can we honestly say that we really know what the people in the organization need? Do we have the right conversations and check our assumptions? Do we really involve our employees so they are able to shine?

If the answer is not a convincing YES! What should we do more or different to become truly agile from the heart of the organization?

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