What a lovely introduction, I really appreciate that. Welcome, everyone, from around the world! I'm seeing people popping in here and there, so it's nice to see some new faces as well as a few familiar ones.
I tend to be interactive and have built in some places to pause and ask for questions. You’ll notice that I work from a stream of consciousness when presenting, so if I don’t get to something right away, I will check the chat box. Please know that I will get to you.
Everything we’re talking about today will be shared with you. You’ll receive a copy of the slide deck, the model we’ll discuss, an article, and all relevant sources. If you have any questions afterward, please feel free to contact the Business Agility Institute, and they will get in touch with me.
Setting the Stage
I've deliberately chosen images for this presentation that feature ballet and gymnastics. The reason is that both of these disciplines require nimbleness, agility, and flexibility—qualities that are also essential in effective teaming within organizations.
For those in the audience who may not know, ballet is actually one of the most physically demanding sports. Ballet dancers are among the strongest and most agile athletes in the world, even surpassing gymnasts in some respects. Despite being perceived as delicate, they are powerhouses. I hope that those of you working in agile teams feel the same way about yourselves!
What We Will Cover Today
You’ve already been given an overview, but I want to highlight a few key areas we’ll focus on:
- How to create a future-focused organization.
- How to engage agile team members, stakeholders, and influencers in meaningful dialogue.
- The Shared Outcomes Model, which I will introduce today.
I’m a strong proponent of reflection and reflexivity—putting reflection into action. I’d love for you to put in the chat box what you want to learn today. I want to make sure we meet everyone's needs.
Future-Focused Organizations
What is a future-focused organization? If you are in one, working as an external consultant, or acting as a coach, what should you consider?
From my perspective, and as outlined on Turner International, future-focused organizations have the following characteristics:
- People-focused and purpose-led: Employees understand why they are there and have a clear sense of both personal and collective purpose.
- Stakeholder-informed: These organizations proactively engage both internal and external stakeholders to understand their needs.
- Systemically impactful: They consider not just their internal systems but also their impact on the broader community and environment.
- Cohesive decision-making and accountability: Decisions are made with clarity on who is responsible. While many people may share responsibility for tasks, accountability should always rest with a single individual to ensure clarity.
- Networked teams with shared responsibility: These organizations recognize that agility and collaboration are essential for long-term success.
- Adaptive, inclusive, and evolutionary: Particularly in times of disruption (as we've seen with the pandemic), organizations must be ready to iterate and adapt quickly.
We often hear people say, "When do we go back to normal?" The reality is that we may never return to the way things were. The next iteration of work could be hybrid or involve broader stakeholder inclusion. These qualities—adaptability, inclusivity, and evolution—are crucial.
The Importance of Teaming
Teaming is a concept developed by Amy C. Edmondson at Harvard, who describes it as "teamwork on the fly." It is particularly necessary in complex and unpredictable environments.
Her research primarily focuses on hospital operating rooms, where lives are at stake, and professionals must collaborate effectively under high-pressure conditions. She observed that teams with strong psychological safety—where individuals feel comfortable speaking up—have better patient outcomes.
Key Components of Teaming
Several factors contribute to successful teaming:
- Psychological safety: A belief that one will not be punished for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes.
- Contracting: Establishing and sustaining agreements that guide collaboration.
- Curiosity and reflexivity: A willingness to engage with others, ask questions, and adjust one's approach.
- Respect: Recognizing that different people define respect differently based on culture, generation, and personal values.
- Outcome measurement: Finding ways to assess not just numerical outcomes but also learning and team dynamics.
Engaging Stakeholders and Influencers
When working on a project or initiative, it’s essential to distinguish between stakeholders and influencers:
- Stakeholders: Those with direct decision-making authority, financial control, or project ownership.
- Influencers: Individuals who may not hold formal decision-making power but can significantly impact the project's success.
Failing to involve key stakeholders can lead to costly mistakes, as seen in the BP oil spill, where East Coast fishermen were not consulted. Asking simple yet powerful questions—such as "Who needs to be involved?" and "What unique contributions can they offer?"—helps ensure meaningful engagement.
The Shared Outcomes Model
The Shared Outcomes Model provides a framework for maintaining alignment and accountability within teams. It consists of several key components:
- Below-the-line behaviors: Excuses, blame, denial, and avoidance.
- Above-the-line behaviors: Curiosity, compassion, courage, and mindfulness.
- Shared understanding: The foundation for effective collaboration.
- Shared outcomes: The tangible results that teams strive for.
- Accountability and responsibility: Clear roles to ensure follow-through.
When teams struggle, it is often because they have not achieved a shared understanding. Addressing this gap is crucial before moving toward shared outcomes and accountability.
Closing Thoughts
The ability to make effective decisions collectively is one of the most important aspects of organizational success. As Peter Drucker famously noted in 1954: "The major obstacle to organizational growth is managers' inability to change their attitudes and behavior as rapidly as their organizations require."
Although decades have passed, this challenge remains just as relevant today.