Emergent Strategy19
Innovation Imperative
Innovation Imperative | Gabrielle Benefield
Gabrielle Benefield
June 14, 2022
Gabrielle Benefield
June 14, 2022
Gabrielle Benefield, the founder of Mobius Outcome Delivery will introduce the innovation imperative; why innovation is a necessity, a look at the disruptors threatening the fundamental ways we do business, and how to create a sustainable innovation strategy.
About Gabrielle Benefield:
Gabrielle Benefield is the founder of Mobius (https://mobiusloop.com), an open innovation model and strategic design toolkit to solve complex problems. She is an advocate for purposeful innovation and believes the relentless pursuit of ‘more, more, more’ gets in the way of success. Since developing the earliest inception of Mobius in 2009 she has helped individuals and organisations all over the globe, including Google and Red Hat solve complex problems in a transformational way.
She used Agile and Lean techniques in the 90’s dot-com boom in Silicon Valley to successfully lead teams, including taking a startup to a robust Initial Public Offering and spearheading one of the largest Agile enterprise transformations – scaling up to 250+ teams across three continents. She founded the Scrum Foundation in 2009 together with key Agile thought leaders, including Jeff Sutherland (the inventor of Scrum), and is an author of the Scrum Primer, The Scrum Patterns book, and The Little Book of Scrum.
She is a thought leader in outcome-driven innovation and legal contracts receiving the 2016 Heart of Agile award for her work in creating outcome driven organisations.
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