Community News & Announcements11

Business Agility Meetup Bangalore | January

Priyank Ks

February 3, 2019


At the first-ever gathering of the Business Agility Meetup in Bangalore (in December of 2018), the community decided upon a once-a-month meeting. The second gathering of the BAM Bangalore was held on January 19, 2019. Two relevant topics were chosen by the participants of the first Meetup to be presented and discussed in the second Meetup. Those were:

  1. In the ever-changing market expectation, how does agility help to align an organization accordingly?
  2. What Agile practices help organizations thrive in highly regulated industries?

We had also invited a guest speaker for the Meetup. Mr. Nivarti Jayaram, an Agile Transformation Expert, shared his insights about ‘Leadership and Business Agility’ through a presentation that was aptly titled as “Are you a Leader for the Future?"

The presentations were followed by a game for all the participants to playfully talk about the key factors for Business Agility. The game indeed led to insightful discussions among the participants.

For the next Meetup, planned for February, the discussion topics have been shortlisted. We also have enthusiasts who have volunteered to present on those topics. The BAM Bangalore group is waiting to listen to our fellow community members speak on:

  1. The Importance of Continuous Product Discovery and the Art of Sustaining it 2. Lessons from Lean Manufacturing
  2. The first two Meetups were invite-only. The next gathering, we plan to keep it open for all enthusiasts. If you want to be take part in the upcoming gathering, please get connected with the LinkedIn group.

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