Ways of Working115
A Common Sense Journey into Agile Marketing
Andrea Fryrear
February 23, 2017
Andrea Fryrear
February 23, 2017
Watch the video here: https://www.infoq.com/presentations/agile-marketing
When faced with the prospect of participating in an Agile transformation, many marketers react with skepticism and apprehension. The jargon around Agile, combined with its well known history as an approach to creating software, makes it seem foreign and/or irrelevant to their day-to-day work. To overcome these hesitations, it’s crucial that we don’t try to shoehorn marketing into agility, or vice versa. Instead, the two need to co-evolve.
Andrea will share her own experience with this type of agile adoption within her marketing team, which tried multiple methodologies and tools in its quest to simply find what worked Hopefully the story of this common sense journey can help other marketers ditch their doubt and join the agile marketing revolution.
Andrea is an agile marketing evangelist and content strategist who spends way too much time thinking about things like backlogs and WIP limits. Her passion for the Agile movement led her to the position of Editor in Chief for TheAgileMarketer.net, where she writes, edits, and shepherds an emerging agile marketing community. In her previous role as the Content Marketing Manager for SurveyGizmo and MarketerGizmo, Andrea drove the agile transformation of the marketing department. She recently founded Fox Content, a full-service content consulting firm that uses Agile principles to power content strategy and execution for its clients. Her writings on Agile Marketing can be found on some of the best marketing sites in the world, including The Content Marketing Institute, MarketingProfs, Convince and Convert, Kapost’s Marketeer, Workfront's Talking Work Blog, DigitalMarketer.com, and more. Andrea received her master’s degree from Oxford University, a bachelor’s from Austin College, and is a research-driven student at heart.
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