COVID-19 is a global crisis – the personal impact of which will only become clearer over time.
While many companies will look at this time as an opportunity to transform, others will be focused on cutting costs . . . an obvious euphemism for people. And it has already begun, as we know of at least one person returned to work after the Business Agility Conference to a redundancy notice. And there are going to be thousands more agile coaches, consultants, and practitioners impacted before this is over.
It is human nature to look inwards to ourselves and our family, but we cannot lose sight of the personal impact on our friends, peers, colleagues, and our community.
So, as a community, we are going to come together and help each other out. If you know of an opportunity for work, we invite you to share it with our community on our COVID-19 Jobs Form. It could be a short-term engagement, full-time employment, training needs, 1-1 coaching . . . anything that pays! The context is business agility and agile; but beyond that, share anything you find.
If you are looking for work as a result of COVID-19, please take a moment and peruse the opportunities submitted by our community on the COVID-19 Jobs Spreadsheet.
Our only request is that those who are currently employed save the opportunities listed for those in need.
Together, we will walk each other through COVID-19.