The Bangalore BAM met for the fourth time on April 27. Here is their report:
While the previous three gatherings were organized inside an office environment, we wanted to have the gathering organized in a very informal environment this time. The community thought that it was important to bring a little bit of variety and informal seating to the way we have been sharing knowledge. Thus, we chose a café for the fourth gathering. The two topics that were chosen for discussion in the fourth gatherings, are:
Krishnakumar Chinnappachari spoke on the first topic, and engaged the participants through an exercise. The participants were given a hand-out that had this below table. The question thrown at the participants was, which among these pairs are ‘lagging indicators’ and which ones are ‘leading indicators’? The exercise lead to a lot of conversations and different viewpoints were exchanged. The community exchanged views on metrics like ‘employee engagement’ and how does it relate to ‘salary increments’ as a data-point.
Rajkumar Radhakrishnan spoke on the second topic, wherein he shared personal experience from three different organizations he had worked with. The common theme from the three different instances was how bringing about a few changes in facilitator functions in organizations lead to noticeable business outcomes. He shared an important insight for the community to carry; Motivation levels of knowledge workers got a boost when the changes in facilitator functions sent out the message “we care”.
From this gathering, we have introduced our buddy-program. Two community members will join together to research any topic. Once the research insights are ready to be shared with the larger community, buddies will get a slot in the immediate gathering to present.
If you want to be take part in the upcoming gathering, please get connected with the LinkedIn group.