Name of the group: * e.g. Melbourne BAM, BAMgalore, Business Agility London
Organiser contact details: *
e.g. Who will be leading the BAM. We require at least 5 organisers to ensure a successful group. The organisers should not all be part of the same company or organization.
Your Outreach Approach: * e.g. Lean coffee, presentations, executive breakfasts, etc.
Your Target Audience: * e.g. Coaches, executives, transformation leaders, marketing division, etc.
Approximate Cadence: * e.g. Weekly, monthly, ad-hoc, etc.
Point of Contact: *
Short Description of the BAM: *
Link to Sign-Up Form e.g. If you have already created a link, page, or meetup group for this community, please provide the link here.
Agreements *
I agree with the Institute's Code of Conduct (for myself and the group)
I agree to indemnify the Institute for any and all claims of loss or damage directly caused by: infringement of a third party’s intellectual property rights; or death, personal injury or damage to any property, except to the extent that the loss or damage has been caused by the other party. Neither party is liable to the other for any indirect or consequential loss or damage (including loss of profits, opportunity or production).